It’s no secret that I like to shout out some local love.

Thanks to our local chamber website today, I was able to post my thoughts on the importance of shopping locally. You can read more here. I’m not saying that we all have to make do with what’s closest at hand, I’m simply suggesting that we make a conscious choice when making some of our purchases. It’s the only way that we are going to save our local economies.

Sure, I shop at Tarjay every now and then too, but when given the choice of where to pick up a gift or some flowers, where to eat dinner, I am more inclined to choose a locally owned, family run business right here in my very own neighborhood.

If you are curious about where to find something close to your own home, check out the resources from The 3/50 Project. They have done a wonderful job of shouting it out for the little guy and putting their efforts behind us lovely locals. There’s even a Look Local app that you can carry with you on your iPhone. Fret not, as the Droid version is coming soon to a device near you.

The next time that you are making a purchase, consider the socially responsible options you have in your own neighborhood. Remember that by shopping locally, you have a direct impact on the community in which you live. For every $100 spent in independently local stores, $68 of it returns to the community through taxes, payroll, and other expenditures. In a national chain, only $43 stays here. Spend it online and nothing comes home. 1

Shop small, shop ethically and save the community in which you live. Your neighbors will love you for it!

1 Data courtesy of Civic Economics